New Look Website
Date: September 26th, 2016
For Immediate Release
New Look Website for the British Helicopter Association
The British Helicopter Association has launched its new-look website:
Featuring images and video from its members, the website is attractive, easily navigated and accessible. It provides visitors with clear information about the association, its membership and the UK’s civil rotorcraft industry.
It provides non-members with useful, downloadable leaflets in its Information Bank and all the latest Association updates in a new BHA News section.
Members have their own password-protected area where Committee Meeting, Minutes and Chairman’s Reports are posted, along with updates on any Association activity with regards to representation at Government, European and International levels.
Tim Fauchon, BHA Chief Executive, said: “We are delighted with the new website. We feel it better reflects that the Association is a modern, active and approachable organisation. It gives us a chance to showcase some of the exciting and important work our members undertake and to communicate what we do on their behalf.”
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For more information:
Tim Fauchon:
01276 856100
Aviation, BHA, British Helicopter Association, Helicopter